School uniform
Westcott Primary School has a strict uniform policy and all pupils must wear the correct clothing. This policy is strongly supported by the stakeholders and parents of the school. The school colours are white and blue.
All uniform can be with or without school logo. Uniform can be bought widely and does not have to be bought from a specific retailer.
– Blue sweatshirt
– White or light blue polo shirt
– Black or dark grey trousers or shorts
– Blue cardigan
– Dark grey pinafore or skirt
– Blue summer dress
– Black Shoes / Trainers
PE & sports kit
It is important that children also wear the appropriate PE kit. On PE days, children come to school in their PE kit.
PE Uniform
– Plain house colour T-shirt (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue)
– Black shorts / Black jogging bottoms/ tracksuit bottoms/ Black leggings
– Appropriate sports footwear
– Blue Sweatshirt
We do ask for reasons of health and safety that the wearing of jewellery is kept to a minimum. A wristwatch (no smart watches) and stud type earrings may be worn if you consider the child old enough to take responsibility for them (both of these must be removed for PE). No other items of jewellery should be worn
All uniform with the school logo is available to order direct from the supplier. Please find the link below