SEND Information for Parents
At Westcott Primary School, we recognise that at various stages in their lives, children may require additional support to access education and fully explore life’s opportunities. We firmly believe in inclusivity, ensuring that all children, regardless of their individual needs, have equal access to education.
Our school values collaborative partnerships and maintains strong connections with numerous external agencies. We readily seek support from these agencies whenever necessary to ensure that every child receives the assistance they need.
We are committed to meeting the unique needs of each individual child and providing support to parents in accessing and providing the necessary assistance for their child. We aim to provide opportunities for pupils with SEN and their parents/carers to play an active role in planning their provision in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice 2014. Our aim is to create a nurturing environment that fosters growth, learning, and overall well-being for all members of our school community.
Any complaints regarding SEND need to be taken in line with our complaints procedure. This can be found on the Policies section of the website.
Further information and Contacts:
SENCO: Mrs L Waldron / Mrs M Green
SENCO Contact Email: /
HCAT Accessibility Plan 2024-2027
download_for_offlineHCAT Accessibility Plan 2024-2027
- HCAT SEN Policy download_for_offline
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- SEND Information Report 2024-25 download_for_offline
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Hull Local Offer Information Website
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
Who do I contact if I have concerns about my child?
The best thing to do is to make an appointment for a discussion with your child’s class teacher. During this meeting, they will attentively listen to your concerns and engage in a conversation about your child’s experiences at school.
Together you will decide what needs to happen next. This might simply be a case of monitoring the situation, or together you might decide to put some additional support measures.
Sometimes it might be appropriate for you to have a chat with the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo). Your child’s class teacher will guide you through this process and discuss it with you as needed.
How will the school decide if my child needs SEN support?
To decide whether or not a pupil has special educational needs we look at the legal definition of SEN in the SEND Code of Practice 2014. This says that:
“A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A child has a learning difficulty or disability if they;
- Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age; or
- Have a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools.”
Our decision is a result of considering multiple factors. We place great importance on your perspective, as well as the input of your child and their class teacher. We evaluate progress and review the work in your child’s books. Additionally, we closely observe students in various settings, both within and outside the classroom.
In some instances, we conduct a variety of assessments and tests to gain a more comprehensive understanding of your child’s strengths and areas where they may need additional support. This strategic approach allows us to target and provide assistance more effectively to meet your child’s specific needs.
How can the school help my child learn?
The support provided to your child is tailored to meet their unique needs and is designed to promote positive outcomes. The types of support currently available in school include:
Differentiation and Scaffolding: This is when the class teacher modifies work to enable pupils to do similar work to the other children in the class
Small Group Work: Students may engage in small group activities, either within or outside the classroom, often with adult support.
One-to-One Support: Some students receive individualised assistance as needed.
Specialised Programs: These are designed for students with specific learning difficulties, such as reading, spelling, or mathematical challenges.
Life Skills Groups: These groups focus on developing essential life skills.
Social Skills Programs: Aimed at enhancing students’ social interactions and abilities.
Communication Programs: Tailored for pupils with difficulties in interacting and communicating effectively.
Language Enrichment Groups: These are for students who need to expand their vocabulary and language skills.
Speech and Language Therapy Programs: These target speech and language development.
Fine and Gross Motor Skills Programs: Designed to improve motor skills, both fine and gross.
Behaviour Programs: Focusing on addressing and managing behavioural challenges.
Many students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) have individual support plans that outline the additional assistance they receive in school. These plans also offer guidance to parents on how they can support their child at home. The class teacher and the SENDCo are available to provide ideas and support for home-based activities.
Who may work with my child?
Most of the time your child will work with their class teacher. Whoever else works with your child, the class teacher retains responsibility for their education. Other adults who might work with your child could include:
- A ASA ( Achievement Support Assistant)
- Another teacher from the same year group
- The SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator)
- We are also involved with a number of specialists from outside the school. These include the Education Psychology Service (EP), teachers of children with physical and sensory difficulties (IPaSS), speech and language therapists (SALT), the school nurse, teachers of children with learning difficulties and Northcott outreach service. These specialists offer guidance for the school in order to best support children’s needs.
We will always let you know before someone from outside the school works with your child.
How will I know how well my child is progressing?
You will be invited to attend regular progress meetings with your child’s class teacher. At the meeting you will have the chance to discuss the progress that has been made and together you can plan what the next steps are.
If your child is getting support from an outside agency they may review your child’s progress by asking you to come and meet with them, chat on the phone or send you a report.
How will the school ensure that my child can successfully manage the transition to new classes or the next phase of their educational journey?
The transition from one class to another at the start of a new school year can be a challenging period for some students. Parents, too, often feel concerned, especially when their children move from one key stage to the next or transition from primary to secondary school. To support pupils who may benefit from additional assistance during these transitions, we offer special arrangements, which may include:
- Transition Books: We prepare transition books that feature photographs of key individuals and locations in the new classroom or setting. These books also contain other useful information to help students become familiar with their new environment.
- Short Visits: We facilitate short visits to the new classroom or setting to help students become more comfortable in their new surroundings.
- Introduction of New Staff: Students are introduced to the new staff members in a familiar and welcoming setting, which can help reduce anxiety.
- “All About Me” Communication Passports: These passports contain vital information about the child that can be shared with new staff members, ensuring they have a comprehensive understanding of the child’s needs and preferences.
These transition arrangements aim to ease the transition process, alleviate worries, and provide a smoother experience for both students and parents during these significant changes in their educational journey.
Who do I speak to if I am worried about the support my child is receiving?
Your child’s class teacher should always be your first point of contact and most concerns are easily addressed this way. If you would prefer to, you can talk to the SENDCo. We encourage all parents to share their concerns quickly. If you need more support in meetings at school, you can contact the Parent Partnership KIDS, who are happy to help.
- HCAT SEN Policy download_for_offline