Curriculum Intent
At Westcott Primary School, our curriculum intent is to provide an engaging and holistic education that empowers each child to thrive in a dynamic and ever-changing world. Central to our approach are positive relationships built on mutual trust and respect which are embedded in our Westcott culture. Informed by the latest research and pedagogical best practices, our curriculum is thoughtfully crafted to ensure that every child not only acquires knowledge but also retains and recalls it effectively.
Our unique curriculum is built upon our five key drivers, which are intricately connected to the HCAT signature pillars:
Academic Readiness
Our children are prepared for the challenges of secondary school and beyond, ensuring that they have an embedded passion for learning.
Character Building
We emphasise the development of The Westcott STARR values - Support, Teamwork, Attitude, Respect and Resilience fostering individuals who make positive contributions to their community.
Restorative Behaviours
Our children are taught to take responsibility for their actions building meaningful, successful relationships.
Wider Life Experiences
Children have diverse opportunities to discover hidden talents, nurture their passions and uncover their unique strengths and interests.
Being Socially and Emotionally Secure
We prioritise the well-being of our children nurturing both their mental and physical health, allowing them to develop healthy minds and bodies.